Last 2 weeks of my solo show

My solo show has been going very well. I’ve sold 19 paintings! Way more than I ever imagined. Thanks, everyone, for your support. I am thrilled with the show. I’ve add a few new paintings to replace the ones that sold, so there is still plenty to see. I had 4 paintings of my favorite […]

Online Store for my Solo Show

My solo show has been a huge success, and it still has 2 1/2 weeks to go! If you can’t get to it in person, the next best thing is to see it online. I’m attaching the link. Click on it, and it will take you to my show. (Or copy the link and paste […]

One more Day before My Opening Reception

One more day until my opening night reception. I’ve been baking and preparing food all week to get ready for it. These are a few of the summer paintings I’ve done. There’s a lot of blue in my summer paintings. 2 of my paintings in the show have already found new homes! I’m thrilled that […]

One Week Away from my Opening Reception

My show officially starts tomorrow. It’s hung and when the doors open at 10 am, it’s the beginning of my solo show. I hope everyone has Friday evening on their calendars. The reception is from 5 – 7 pm this coming Friday. All four seasons of the year will be represented. It represents the whole […]

Post Title

I hung my solo show today at Gallery Underground with the help of my friend, Jessica Mickey. There are 44 paintings in all! I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to see so many of my pieces up in one place. At home, I see them in boxes! Jessica has a great eye for arrranging, and […]

Art A Fair at Walker Chapel this weekend

I hope everyone can make it to the McLean Art Society’s show at Walker Chapel United Methodist Church this weekend. The church is located at 4102 N. Glebe Rd in Arlington, VA. There is a reception Friday night, May 13 from 5 to 8 pm. Stop by, I’ll be there. Also, the art show is […]

Iris Outside the Box

The Potomac Valley Watercolorists are having a show at Green Springs Gardens in Alexandria, VA. I entered 2 paintings. I won an honorable mention with my painting called “Iris Outside the Box.” Very honored to receive an award with so many fabulous paintings. The show will be there until June 26, so stop by and […]